

I chose the ten steps to making a greener household. There are a lot of very cleaver ideas in this document. Some of the ideas are very basic, such as saving water, using less paper, or reducing plastics while others are more inventive. The document is good overall, but does have some flaws.

There are some interesting steps mentioned in the article, I think the easiest and most practical step is “clean green” (Archer). It describes very practical solutions and gives great options for switching to environmentally safe cleaning options. In addition, it mentions one of the more creative ideas of making your own cleaning products. This option is cost effective and very helpful. I could see more people applying this method than any of the other steps.

In my opinion there is a trend bleeding through the article of spending money. The best example of this is “green up your appliances” (Archer). Basically they are talking about buying all new appliances. The financial benefit for turning off a refrigerator is $150 per year. A new energy efficient fridge can cost a good chunk of money. Now imagine if you needed to replace your fridge, washer and dryer, and dish washer. The initial cost is astronomical. As good as it may be for the environment, I don’t think most people are ready or willing to make a leap like that.

I will say the most interesting step was “want hardwood floors? Opt for bamboo” (Archer). I really like bamboo floors, but would never have thought of the potential environmental cost. Using Bamboo which takes minimum 12 percent less time to grow, could potentially save a lot of trees. The one question I would ask is the difference in price of bamboo verses normal hard wood floors.

Overall the article is interesting and raises some important questions, plus gives you some very clever ideas, even though most are not on the practical side.

Archer, Ann. "The 10 Easiest Ways to Green Your Home." Real Estate. MSN Real Estate, n.d. Web. 06     
Feb. 2014.

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